Uganda hosts to over 1,400 000 refugees and asylum-seekers (most of them from South Sudan), with over 61% being children, 682,000 at school-age. Only 39% (267 000) of them have access to some kind of education services.

The purpose of the educational project was that conflict affected children in host and refugee communities in West Nile and Western Uganda to receive quality accelerated education, enjoy protection and increased personal wellbeing.

As result of the project, many children got access to learning opportunities in the conflict zone. Schools have been built, rebuilt or renovated in the war torn areas. In addition, school-aged refugee and host-community children benefited from psychosocial support and protection services. To complement these approaches, the project piloted innovative solutions to enhance the provision of safe, inclusive and quality education.

The project was funded by EU/ECHO (European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations) and executed by many of NGO’s.


Still, lot remains to be done…